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Spam attacks

Posted: 10 Jan 2007 10:59 am
by Ringo Flinthammer
So, we have two choices:

1) No one can post on this board until an admin has approved their account. This means people who don't play the game and have no way of contact me or an officer have no way of ever being able to post here.

2) Or, once clicking on the e-mail required to activate an account, anyone can post. As we've seen in the last few days, this means that there will be spam we'll have to dump in the Mine Shaft periodically.

Posted: 10 Jan 2007 11:36 am
by Beli Flinthammer
I thought it was email activated all along. No wonder we get crazy spam. I know people had trouble with hotmail not getting letters to activate their accounts, but that was two years ago and they were able to reach us in game. Time to turn it back on.

Posted: 10 Jan 2007 05:48 pm
by Ringo Flinthammer
No, the spam is with e-mail activation. The spambots have been upgraded.

Without e-mail activation -- i.e. an admin manually approving accounts -- we get no spam, just new registrants (spammers or real people) who can't post.

Posted: 10 Jan 2007 06:38 pm
by goomba_boy
I certainly don't mind taking my turn to approve sign-ups in the interests of keeping that kind of crap out of here...

Posted: 11 Jan 2007 07:05 am
by Filan Fyretracker
if it wasnt for off server legit signups id say have sign ups back it up with an in game mail.

im wondering how they even found us.

Posted: 13 Jan 2007 06:43 am
by ukator
Wow we have been getting a lot of these lately. I think approval of accounts might be the way to go.

Posted: 15 Jan 2007 08:39 pm
by Lehla
What about something in an e-mail for account activation like..


Posted: 15 Jan 2007 08:45 pm
by Filan Fyretracker
i say we find where they live and leave bags of burning dog pop on their door step. or just run 240v into their Cable line and fry the spammer's modem.

Posted: 15 Jan 2007 09:38 pm
by kandrak
Tar and feathering works. Cattle prod up the butt would be an option too...

Posted: 17 Jan 2007 08:19 am
by Maige
We've been running our boards for quite some time now with the manual admin approval. It hasn't been that big of a deal. Usually it's just us guildies that use the board, or on occasion a friend of someone's will get on and sign up, but it's usually not too hard to tell which is which. The spammers pretty much all sign up with a russian email address anyway, so that's usually a dead giveaway LOL.

- Maige

Posted: 19 Jan 2007 03:35 pm
by Widge
I had originally voted for "e-mail" but after what I've seen this past week, I think that changing to admin approval is the only way to stop this. Ringo and the officers shouldn't have to worry about deleting spam every time they visit the boards, and it's just a tease when I see that there's a new message in general, only to find that it's a bunch of links to foreign porn sites (which I bookmark, of course, but still...)