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The Heritage of Rone Lodefinder.

Posted: 11 Nov 2004 11:30 am
by Lehla
Ahh, so you wish to know a bit about me. Well, as all tales I suppose, this is one of great victories and shameful pasts. But I will not hide it. It is who I am, who my family is, and it will be with me as long as I live. So listen, if you like, to the history of the clan.
My gandfather Htorh was a great Paladin during the first war. He was bestowed with honors from King Llane himself, and was in the very raiding party that stormed Medivh's tower and killed him there. His life was sacraficed defending Stormwind Keep from the Hordes of Warchief Blackhand. All his family perished as well, except his son Dwalin, who only escaped ue to the valiant leadership of Anduin Lothat, Knight Errant of the Brotherhood of the Horses.
With no guidance from a family, Dwalin, Son of Htorh set about the world only concerned for himself. He soon took to being a rogue and doing many unspeakable acts. the Gods were so displeased by him that they forever withdrew their blessings from any in his family, removing the profession of Paladin from our line forever. After many long years, and when I was but a pup, my father was caught burgling from King Terenas and put to death.
Taken in at Dwarrowdun, the great mining town as an orphan, I was taught about metals and smithing, how to coax the ore from the stone. I was proficent at what I did, though certainly not the best, and when King Arthas called for defense against the undead hordes, I went and recieved training as a warrior.
When the burning Legion landed in Azeroth, the great comets caused such a shaking in the ground that Dwarrodun collapsed, killing everyone I had known. So I continued to fight the Burning Legion and the armies of Balnazzar. When Arthas ascended the Frozen Throne, I once again offered my blade to try and rid the world of his scourge.
Now I only seek a place where I may find time to honor those that were lost by practicing what I was taught as a miner; although if my blade ever be needed, it is still sharp, as are my wits.

Grasalak Scorpse/Rone Lodefinder
Walkers of Vazaelle