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From Crossroads, to Stormwind, to Iron Forge...

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 12:39 am
by Riverdane

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 12:46 am
by Shade Angel
All I have to say is, You Da MAN ! :o

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 05:38 am
by Vamen
Get a pic on the tram =)

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 09:48 am
by Ringo Flinthammer
Inexplicably, the tram has no guards. That's actually a safe place for the Horde.

Nice work, though, Roosta.

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 09:54 am
by Beli Flinthammer
Nice work! Are you going to post this on the offical boards? Do it! DO IT! We've been wanting NPCs in the tram areas!

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 10:16 am
by Wamz
OMG... nice work.

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 11:25 am
by Riverdane
It was death flop city...=p

It started when River was sitting listening to the chatter in Stormwind...Stormwind is under attack! OMG! Are we under attack? No, it's just an Alliance quest, no one would try to attack here, harhar. So I went, hmmm.

I log onto my level 14 hunter, Roosta, get plenty of apples for his ostrich Chicken, and take the blimp to STV. I run out about 30 feet and GY port to north Stranglethorn. Then north into Darkshire, west to the river between DS and Westfall, and swim up to Elwynn. Then the agonizingly slow series of deaths into Stormwind.

Once I death flopped to the canals, I dove into the water, giving me almost completely unmolested (except for the PCs themselves trying to assassinate me) access to the tram. One more death at the tram entrance, I finally rez just outside the instance, crow COCKADOODLE DOO, and zone in, still pvp flagged, and hide in the tunnel.

I decide to run the train tunnel to IF. About 3/4 of the way my flag drops. Yay! SO I get to IF and climp off the tracks. I begin sleeping like the homeless on the benches. People are now freaking. Someone logs to their horde alt just to talk to me. A crowd forms around me. Some throw on their pvp flag. Their women spit on me. So I dance with them and kiss their women. We all get on the train, and make non-stop train noises and cheering as they ride the train with the troll. Back and forth we go. The horde alt person tells me that both Stormwind and IF is buzzing about it, am I going to actually try to get to the Auction house? I say no, I'm just going to haunt the tram everyday and crow, and become known as the ghost of the subway.

But then I see an unusual way to make a statement to the king of the dwarves. I death flop my way into IF from tinkertown. Down into the grilled trenches I go. Now I am pvp flagged, but the dwarf and gnome that follow me down there do not attack me. Hell no one wants to. They just want to dance with me and see what the stoned troll is going to do.

With a series of deaths I make my way into the AH. Those glazed over players in there I think didn't even know what was going on until the troll jumped up on the podium and started dancing with the Auctioneers. They actually /cry when Roosta would get cut down.

Finally I worked my way towards the king himself. Now there was a stir, what was the troll up to? My destination was clear, each death had more people at my body to see what I was up to. Oddly enough tho, even as I made my way closer to the king, no one try to kill me. Not that the guards gave them much time to attempt to...=p I finally made it into the king room, and gave him my message from The Demon Knights. Roosta will return to the tram and haunt it for a week or so.

The fact that there are no npcs in the train area, and that this could be done and a character literally after 5 minutes drop his pvp flag, bothered me in beta. A warlock and two buddies could technically summon an army into the tram they way they used to in Closed and attack both cities from within. (or can they, hmmm, we can't summon people into instances anymore, does the tram count as a true "instance"?)

Anyway, if you hear Stormwind or IF is under attack in the next few days, it's probably Roosta getting some toilet paper or bumming a cigarette or something. Wave if you see him!...=p

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 11:47 am
by Beli Flinthammer
Great story and yes, you exposed an exploit I hadn't thought of! Very easy access to SW and IF via the tram summoning. I wonder if it's possible for an Alliance to sneak in the Horde cities the same way.

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 01:02 pm
by Vamen
Well done Riverdance =) I love it when folks do fun things of this nature, as it's what I enjoy doing most. You got me inspired.

So therefore...I will see your Ironforge and raise you an Undercity and Orgimmar.



I had no idea where to go in Orgimmar I'm afraid, so I just took a picture in The Drag.

Much to my pleasure, I had to kill another horde who attacked me after I left the Undercity and was taking the blimp to go to Orgimmar.


Posted: 17 Dec 2004 03:03 am
by Riverdane
Ahhh Vamen, you have indeed raised the stakes...I should also tell you, mate, that your screenie trips helped inspire my two-city tour.

Now, hmm, how can I match the pot?

Give me a day, Roosta be climbin' da New World Tree, mon!

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 05:10 am
by Vamen
We should meet up and tour together. The World Troll and Gnome Insanity Tour!

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 06:35 am
by Riverdane
From Roosta's own mouth:

"And we got ta get ourselves back to da gardennnnn...." (CSNY, Woodstock)

Well, tings were gettin' borin' for da Roosta, so I had to get back to my roots....or at least, da elf ladies roots! So...Where be da biggest roots in da world, but da World Tree!

So, Roosta and Chicken go to da other continent, and pay a visit to da Auberdine place. Roosta was goin' ta just sneak on da boat, but ran into a guy he used ta be in da shrimp business wid, so stopped to shoot da tauren poo:


Den we hopped on da boat:


And finally reached up ta da top of da tree! But, Roosta have a little too much wine on da boat, soooooo....:


Me tink da adventures of Roosta and Chicken be ova. Tazdingoooooo!

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 06:36 am
by Riverdane
And ya, mon, we certainly should, tink about all da chicks!

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 11:27 am
by Vamen
No way they could resist us. You with your accent, me with my hats.

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 11:28 am
by Vamen
Let's keep it clean "mon"!


Posted: 17 Dec 2004 11:39 am
by Beli Flinthammer
Would be funnier if you censored where the trickle would be. :lol:

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 02:33 pm
by Guest
nothing is ever good enough is it! *cry*

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 02:35 pm
by Vamen
oops, forgot to log in =p