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Onyxia Pics (2 Screenies)

Posted: 25 Jul 2005 02:49 pm
by Oldneil
Not sure if these are viewable from our board gallery but I thought I'd give it a shot. They work for me.

Phase 2 - 7/17/2005
Look at the pretty colors....I'm out of range and don't really want to move from my spot at the moment.


Phase 3 - 7/17/2005
I'm of course sleeping on the job......well keeping the ground warm with my back after being feared into a lava crack for the first time.


**EDIT** Forgot there was a cave paintings forum for these. If someone could move them that'd be swell.

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 06:31 am
by Beli Flinthammer
That's definitely colorful. You can almost feel things going by in a blur! (Like you're driving your car at night in a city with all the lights swirling around you.)