Ringo Flinthammer wrote:Every boss in Ulduar seems to have a chance of dropping a piece. So, in theory, it should be only a two to three week process of assembling it, if the parts all drop in any kind of good order.
Two to three months of Ulduar full clears might be possible for collecting 30 [item]Fragment of Val'anyr[/item] without resorting to the 100% drops from hard-modes. I don't think doing it in a few weeks without completing every hard-mode in Ulduar is possible, though.
And if a guild/raid group is relying on the luck of non-hard mode drops, they'll still have the hurdle of [achievement]Heroic: Three Lights in the Darkness[/achievement] to get past.
Orsco wrote:Thats a nice mace.....and has pvp nerf written all over it...
The stats are decent (but not particularly amazing), and the proc isn't particularly new or unique either -- [item]Scarab Brooch[/item] from Viscidus in AQ40.