Guild Application

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Guild Application

Post by Zapok » 10 May 2010 04:52 pm

Greetings people,

I would humbly like to apply to the SO crowd. Some facts relevant to my app:

1) I was a SO OG (Original Guildee) but RL took over waaaaay back in early 2005 and I wasn't able to follow my ex-EQ former Walker compatriots much farther than the first 46 levels way back at launch.

2) Speaking of former Walker compatriots, I was also known as Abinsuran. So a mighty Qeynos hello to those old pals under new monikers! And yes, I used to solo the Plane of Fear in my sleep. (Solo = the first 20 feet in).

3) I've been playing WoW on and off (mostly off) the past few years since BC launched as my cousin is a major WoW head and pulled me back onto his evil and nasty PvP server (and I mean he loooves's rivalled only by his intense and ungodly love of golf. I'm talking golf simulators in the winters, folks...)

4) I am mostly nice. I say mostly because I can be an ass to those who are asses.

5) My main is an 80 mage. Zapok. So give me a shout if you see me about and I'd love to hang out with SO in groups so you can get a chance to know me before you let me raid your guild bank.

Hellos to Ringo, Rudee, Shiloch, Clouseau, Pedi, Goomba and all of y'all!

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Ringo Flinthammer
Field Marshal
Field Marshal
Location:Trueshot Lodge

Re: Guild Application

Post by Ringo Flinthammer » 11 May 2010 10:25 am

Abin! And a gnome! Awesome!


Re: Guild Application

Post by Thallas » 15 May 2010 11:26 am

Yo Abin! Thallas and Teeka are now Omagazh and Mollie.
Gnome Mages ftw!!!!

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Mithis Graymane

Re: Guild Application

Post by Mithis Graymane » 17 Dec 2010 07:47 am

Hey, Abin. Good to see you again.

This is Sabrar. And yes, I'm still evil.
EQ -> WoW -> Tabula Rasa -> EVE -> Warhammer -> Rift -> SW:TOR

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