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OK OK - Which one of you GEEKS has seen it?

Posted: 19 May 2005 10:29 am
by Akunna
Episode III - "Revenge of the Sith"

Most viewers gave it only a B+...

How would you rate the movie? (please, only if you've seen it - opinions are like... a**holes, everyone has one)

Posted: 19 May 2005 10:33 am
by Beli Flinthammer
I voted "wait for video" unless Ringo drags me off to the movie theater. :P

Posted: 19 May 2005 10:35 am
by Akunna
PLEASE... only if you've seen it...

Posted: 19 May 2005 10:59 am
by Vagary
Only a B+? With Lucas' record, I'll be thrilled if it's a B+ movie.

Posted: 19 May 2005 12:27 pm
by Widge
I'd give it more of an A-. Great movie, could have been improved in places but still extremely good.

Posted: 19 May 2005 01:11 pm
by Beli Flinthammer
Ah, misread the poll. I thought you meant "are you waiting for video" as opposed to "omg, wait for the video."

Posted: 20 May 2005 09:41 am
by Adan
Beli Flinthammer wrote:Ah, misread the poll. I thought you meant "are you waiting for video" as opposed to "omg, wait for the video."
Beli has skewed the numbers! OMG RECOUNT RECOUNT. I'll get the Florida Election officials up here soon.

I thought it was great. Definitely an inheritor of the name "Star Wars", even though the begining had too much slapstick and a robot with a hacking cough (a robot with a hacking cough?!?).

The end more than made up for it. The battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin was great (as it damn well should have been), only a little annoying that it was interspersed with the fight between... oh, nm, too much to give away.

Go see the movie.

Posted: 20 May 2005 09:47 am
by Steamy
I really enjoyed it. It was so much better than the last two, even though I didn't mind the last one that much. Natalie Portman is so freakin hot. There are no lulls in this flick, you want to watch every minute that its playing.

Posted: 20 May 2005 11:51 am
by Vagary
Anyone know how the movie is for someone who missed the last two prequels and is generally unfamiliar with the Star Wars mythos?

Posted: 20 May 2005 12:14 pm
by Ringo Flinthammer
Vagary wrote:Anyone know how the movie is for someone who missed the last two prequels and is generally unfamiliar with the Star Wars mythos?
It shouldn't be too bad -- the original series told you everything about this last movie, other than details anyway.

Posted: 21 May 2005 09:07 am
by Akunna
That movie rocked!

This one should be able to stand alone if you've seen the previous ones (Episodes 4,5,6) but I would definately suggest seeing the first two episodes - they are good for sure.
I agree that there could've been a few scenes done differently or inserted as there are only 1 or 2 lulls in the story - but it seemed to be non-stop action from the word "action!".
Any Star Wars Geeks out there? Don't miss it.
Any Homebody-Home engineers out there? Probably won't be interested.

The theater is the best place to go see this movie - period. Too many large sounds in this to miss it there.

Posted: 21 May 2005 09:35 am
by Ringo Flinthammer
Akunna wrote:I would definately suggest seeing the first two episodes - they are good for sure.
Akunna has suffered a head injury. I would happily have "The Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones" wiped from my memory, if that were an option. I could use those brain cells back.

Posted: 22 May 2005 08:38 pm
by Cukie CookieFreak
Saw it today the entire beginning sequence with the space battle, I was like just "Wow, look at that!" And the music and sounds, i can't want until it comes out on dvd so i can hear every single little detail with my home theatre system.

And the whole thing about Episodes I and II. I thought they were okay movies. Course i just love Natalie Portman and Ewan McGregor. And i'm somewhat of a star wars geek. I would say that i would be a little lost in some areas without watching I and II, so i recommend watching those before. Also, i recommend watching Star Wars: Clone Wars. Little cartoon that cartoon network was showing. I believe ya can get the first season on dvd. Ya get alot of backstory like who the fuck General Grievous is. It's just good Star Wars fun.

Posted: 23 May 2005 08:13 am
by Vagary
Ringo Flinthammer wrote:Akunna has suffered a head injury. I would happily have "The Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones" wiped from my memory, if that were an option. I could use those brain cells back.
I second the above.

Ep3 was enjoyable, especially the last half hour or so. Lots of action, Grevious was fun, the old and new tied up decently.

Still, I cant wait for the special edition where they'll have someone with talent rewrite and dub over the dialog in it's entirety.

Posted: 23 May 2005 09:55 am
by Neffretiri
So I take it he has no plans to do Chapters 7-9? This was originally spose to be 9 chapters....... Too bad, he actually went back to the way the original three were done and made a pretty decent movie this time and tied it up nice to the original series. Even though I knew the outcome, I actually felt bad for Anikan and hoped he could be saved (silly I know).

Posted: 23 May 2005 11:06 am
by goomba_boy
According to what I've been hearing, the story that there is a total of 9 SW movies is something of a myth. Back when Star Wars was originally released, there was a ton of story line - about 9 movies worth. But as they developed Episodes 5 and 6 (Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi), the plot lines shifted from the original, and Return of the Jedi became the conclusion of the series (happiness reigns in the galaxy, even if it does include those f*%&ing Ewoks).

Now that the SW universe has been opened up to other writers, there is no lack of story lines for what happens after Luke Skywalker re-establishes the Jedi order. But you'd have to pick one, and that is a big gamble with a franchise as big as SW is. How disappointing would it be if Lucas cranked out something like I or II as the next in the series? I'd have to commit seppuku with a novelty light saber...

Posted: 23 May 2005 12:27 pm
by Neffretiri
Ewoks > JarJar any day ;)

Posted: 23 May 2005 08:28 pm
by Cukie CookieFreak
Ewoks fucking rule.

Posted: 23 May 2005 08:54 pm
by goomba_boy
You people are nuts. At least Jar Jar got byotch slapped around a bit, even if it was only for comedic purposes. But Ewoks? I swear they were the direct result of some merchandising slimeball's wet dream.

The guy that played Chewbacca (allegedly - I'm not 100% sure if it is really him) lives here in Utah, and I overheard him say that the only reason why Chewie didn't eat those little bastards is because they would get stuck in his teeth.

Posted: 24 May 2005 06:01 am
by Vashanti
Don't forget that Jar Jar was the one to officially nominate Palpatine -- he was tainted by the Dark Side!

In my experience, more girls liked Ewoks than liked Jar Jar, which is a good thing when you're a horny kid watching the movies over the years with your female friends. I would get all excited by the lightsaber battle on DeathStar 2.0, while the girls would get all happy over the Ewoks celebrating. Win-win. ;)