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Posted: 03 Nov 2005 10:02 am
by Kyroson
I found this guy's comments on how to proceed on the whole quest. Just a bit of a "head's up".

Posted: 07 Nov 2005 11:18 am
by Kyroson
So, when it comes to the upcoming fight against the dreadknight, I've heard he does wicked shadow damage. So I thought..what if I up my shadow resistance?

I admit I'm not one of the game's biggest math crunchers. I figured out that intellect would be good for my paladin and I've tried to grab every piece I can with it.

So I'm in two minds on how to fight the final fight.

a) My current build gives me 3.1 K health and 5.2 k mana, 70 shadow protection from the aura and a minor spell on my cloak, plus whatever protection I can get from the Greater shadow protection potions, plus Beli's Shadow Protection spells, if they stack.

Pros: I could do some damage with Exorcism, Holy Shock and do backup healing.

Cons: Poor Shadow protection. Using a 2 hander, I would not have too much armor on me (no shield, no devotion aura)

b) A shadow protection build: Between rings, a trinket, my aura and armor, I can raise it up to 140-145. Using the shadow proteciton potions plus Beli's Shadow Protection spells, if they stack)

Pros: No idea.
Cons: My health drops to 2.7k and my mana to 4.5k. I can't change my armor while in combat, so I'd have to be on this build for the entire ghost spawn fight.

I don't know how much protection that would grant me. If they are going to take the teeth out of a shadowbolt, fine and dandy. But if it's only taking 100 out of a 2,000 bolt, well, I can take my chances with my other build.

So, any advice?

Posted: 08 Nov 2005 08:35 am
by Beli Flinthammer
Don't worry about the shadow gear. We'll buff up and we'll respond the best we can. Last time I did this, I didn't go in with any shadow gear. We're just going to deal with a lot of mobs at once and we'll be fine as long as we get a groove going on. I will be bringing potions and if you have big assed drinks, buy 'em because you won't have 30 seconds to drink to full between fights. The larger the drink, the closer to full you'll get.

Having said that ...


Posted: 08 Nov 2005 10:29 am
by Kyroson
For the past 3 nights, all my dreams have been of taking down the dreadknight.

Hell, last night I dreamed that we got the dreadknight, portaled to Ironforge and I did not loot the charger's soul. :(

You bet I'm exited.

All right, I'll leave the shadow gear at home and I'll go packing my best mana/health gear.

Currently I have 3 Greater Shadow Protection potions, 1 of the biggest mana potions, 2 stratholme holy waters and about 13 of the second biggest health potions. I'll try to scourge some more, especially those that increase your hitpoints.

7:00pm ingame time cannot get here soon enough.

Posted: 08 Nov 2005 11:57 pm
by Kyroson
Well, it was a mighty fine effort, but we were unable to fulfill the Charger quest. Couple of mistakes in an othewise perfect Scholo 5 man left us down, but not out.

I downloaded a video from some guys that did the epic mount around patch 1.5 and I checked out some stuff from waves 3 and 4.

Wave 3 is the big killer. If we survive that gigantic pull, we can whittle them down with traps, shackles and lots of FD's and DPS.

Wave 4 I made a huge mistake. I read the notes that the mobs would !aggro on their own", and I thought we could let them be and then they would attack us.

Nuh uh. We should have taken on the first 3 ghost that insta-spawned, and then those others that appeared would have been easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

Wave 4 has a total of 12 ghosts, plus the Aspect. If we get the first 3 and then the rest of the adds one by one, it should be a cakewalk. Plus, this is the wave that does nothing but shadow damage.

Then you shackle the Aspect, rebuff, re-mana and then you kill for the dreadknight to appear.

Oh, well. Hopefully this week-or weekend- we can finish him off. I'll ask my wife for permission on the weekend if that is more fitting.

Posted: 09 Nov 2005 06:53 am
by Beli Flinthammer
Yeah, it seemed like it was just a learning experience for us since we didn't know what to expect. It will be cake when we go back and you will be riding your mount soon, no worries!

Posted: 09 Nov 2005 08:21 am
by Kyroson
Oh, definetly. That horse shall be set free (and into my care).

Big thanks go to Adan, Beli, Clouseau, Xaus and Ringo, who took Adan's spot for the second attempt.

I'm still arranging for a weekend attempt (wife is still undecided), so I'm going to aim for another attempt thursday, at 7:45 pm game time.

Sign up if interested!

Posted: 09 Nov 2005 08:23 am
by Beli Flinthammer
Oh me! Me! Me! Pick me! Ooh! Ooh! Mememememe!

Posted: 09 Nov 2005 08:29 am
by Clouseau
If you want a rogue along again I would love to go, although Beli might be tired of healing me so much. I'll be on that night, either on Linq or Clouseau, just let me know.

Posted: 09 Nov 2005 08:38 am
by Kyroson
Picked and picked.

Start trembling, dreadknight.

Posted: 09 Nov 2005 09:39 am
by Beli Flinthammer
Clou, I've told you before and I'll tell you again: :stfu

Posted: 09 Nov 2005 11:31 am
by Graffe
Dammit.. I can't make it Thursday. It's the one night that I save for the wife so I can watch Survivor with her. I don't need the aggro. I'm sorry buddy. Push it to 9 PM and I'm there. :)

Posted: 09 Nov 2005 01:00 pm
by goomba_boy
I should be able to make it by nine server time - let me know if you need a bench-warmer...

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 08:14 am
by Kyroson
All right Graffe and Goombah. 9:00 pm server time would be perfect time for round four.

Man, after this, the BRD Emperor run will seem like a cakewalk.

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 09:20 am
by Beli Flinthammer
Sounds good! Ringo and I are Survivor watchers as well so we'll log on at 9 p.m. too!

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 10:27 am
by Kyroson
Excellent, folks. 9:00pm sever time it is.

I'll log in earlier and be available for some fast questing, if anyone has the hankering for.

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 03:40 pm
by Adan
9 server time is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too late for me to start anything.

Good luck. Make sure to bring a good tank.

By the way, you should be able to see why having multiple paladins is a must, especially with the 3rd and 4th stage. The judgement acts as an AOE stun (on non diminishing returns), so it is the only way to keep from getting overwhelmed. Timing them well is the key to victory.

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 11:41 pm
by Kyroson
They got us.

Damned third wave, we fired at one and the whole room got pulled. Mobs are bugged, in my opinion. They can't have such large aggro radius.

That, and the fact that the iron doors close and you cannot get in if you wipe at any wave turn up the difficulty a couple of notches.

Guumbah mentioned that maybe having 1 team do the power rush to Rattlegore's room and then having 1 or 2 trade places with paladins, so that the judgments get applied and the dreaded third wave gets perma-stunned.

Either that or Warlock soulstones.

I dunno. All I know is that I want that dreadknight so dead, he's gonna wish his dad never bought him a pony and a wooden sword.

Posted: 11 Nov 2005 07:07 am
by Kyroson
Maybe waiting for a small pull is not such a good idea. After all, more often than not we'll manage for a full room pull.

Total speculation follows:

Ok...if we attempt it with 2 hunters, 1 rogue, 1 priest and 1 paladin.

Hunters can send one pet to offtank one ghost...that takes care of two ghosts.

Rogue...can the spirits be imp sapped? If they can, that's three.

Priest can shackle one. I think this is the important part. The shackled spirit has to be away from us, otherwise my AoE damage/stun will break him out of it. So, if shackled, that's four.

I can use my Turn Undead spell and fear another one. That's five.

If all that can be done, we've shaved off an important part of the spawn.

Posted: 11 Nov 2005 07:14 am
by Beli Flinthammer
It can be done, no worries. Last night was just bad pathing. The pull was going great and then one of them pathed too close and aggroed us and you can see the chain of aggro spreading to the room. And it was just late and some of us were tired, not on our toes, really. I know we can do this. I know it's "ideal" to have two paladins, but it's really not necessary from what I've seen, to be honest.
